澳門特別行政區政府 - Governo da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau
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Designated Banks that Accept Contributions / Employment Fee

List of Cooperating Banks

For the convenience of employers and beneficiaries, the Social Security Fund works with the banks below to provide employers and beneficiaries with different payment channels for the Social Security Fund's payments, e.g. payment counter, autopay, online banking, and ATMs of Jetco Network:

- Bank of China
- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
- Banco Comercial de Macau
- Tai Fung Bank
- Banco Nacional Ultramarino
- China Construction Bank
- China Guangfa Bank
- Banco Well Link
- OCBC Bank (Macau) Limited
- The Macau Chinese Bank
- Luso International Banking
- Delta Asia Bank

Payment Methods for Contributions and Employment Fee

Counter Payment*

Applies to the following payments:
- Contributions of the Obligatory System (No change in employment situation of long-term employees)
- Contributions of the Arbitrary System
- Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers
- Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Long-Term Employee)
- Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Casual Worker)
- Electronic Filing-Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers

Formalities: Within the payment period, bring along the above uncorrected Contribution/Employment Fee Payment Advice to the designated banks and make the payment in cash, by cheque or cashier order (payable to “Fundo de Segurança Social”) (the related banks only accept cheques and cashier orders of their own banks), or debit from account in the same bank, and the payment should be made in patacas.

 Autopay, online banking*, and ATMs of Jetco Network*

Applies to the following payments:
- Contributions of the Obligatory System (No change in employment situation of long-term employees)
- Contributions of the Arbitrary System
- Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers
- Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Long-Term Employee)
- Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Casual Worker)
- Electronic Filing-Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers

Formalities:  The above four types of payments can be made through autopay, online banking, ATMs of Jetco Network of certain banks.  For details, please refer to the thematic web page of Electronic Payment Channels.


Applies to

 Contributions of the Obligatory System (No change in employment situation of long-term employees)
Contributions of the Arbitrary System
Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers
Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Long-Term Employee)
Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Fixed-term labour contract (Casual workers))
Electronic Filing-Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers

Contributions of the Arbitrary System
Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Long-Term Employee)
Electronic Filing-Contributions of the Obligatory System (Fixed-term labour contract (Casual workers))
Electronic Filing-Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers

Support banks / payment methods

Payment Counter*

Online Banking*


ATMs of Jetco Network*

Bank of China
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Banco Comercial de Macau
Tai Fung Bank
Banco Nacional Ultramarino
China Construction Bank X
China Guangfa Bank X
Banco Well Link X
OCBC Bank (Macau) Limited
The Macau Chinese Bank X X
Luso International Banking X X
Delta Asia Bank X X

* Applies only to employers using the Electronic Filing Service who also meet the following conditions:
I) Long-term employee:  The master account “submits” the employee data within the employee’s working quarter.
II) Casual worker:       The master account “submits” the employee data between the first day of the employee’s working month and the third day of the month that immediately follows.