View Payment Information
View payment record and employee list
- Employers who have completed the payment within the payment period can view and download the payment information during the following periods, through the “View Social Security Fund’s Contribution Payment Advice Information” on the “Business & Associations Platform”, and use the enquiry function of Social Security Fund’s Electronic Filing Service Platform:
I. Long-term employee: [Record of Payment], [Payment List of Local Employees]
Employers can view and download from the 10th day of the month following the contribution month. All the data will be kept for one year from that date.
II. Fixed-term labour contract (casual workers): [Record of Payment], [Payment List of Local Employees]
Employers can view and download from the 10th day of the month following the contribution month. All the data will be kept for one year from that date.
III. Employment fee: [Record of Payment], [List of Non-Resident Workers Required to Pay Employment Fee]
Employers can view and download from the 10th day of the month following the contribution month. All the data will be kept for one year from that date. - If payment is not made on time, the relevant record and employee list will continue to show as the followings until payment is made: Long-term employee/ fixed-term labour contract (casual worker): [Contribution Payment Advice], [Local Employee List]; Employment fee: [Payment Advice], [List of Non-Resident Workers Required to Pay Employee Fee]