Governo da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau


Social Security System
Obligatory System
Newly registered employers 566
Newly enrolled beneficiaries 1,977
Employers who have made contributions 26,706
Beneficiaries who have made contributions 275,422
Arbitrary System
Newly enrolled beneficiaries 320
Beneficiaries who have made contributions 64,484
Total amount of contributions for the quarter (MOP)
Obligatory System 77,302,575.00
Arbitrary System 17,363,520.00
The above is the data for the 4th quarter of 2023
Pensions Number of recipients

Amount paid


Additional payment

Total amount paid

Old-age pension 29,931 282,969,388.00 93,267,066.00 376,236,454.00
Early old-age pension 119,417 1,001,024,808.00 330,776,323.00 1,331,801,131.00
Disability pension 11,745 134,609,971.00 43,827,777.00 178,437,748.00
Allowances Number of applications

Total amount paid

Birth allowance 1,193 4,962,888.00
Marriage allowance 910 1,510,864.00
Sickness allowance 463 689,640.00
Unemployment allowance* 994 5,302,800.00
Funeral allowance 634 1,394,250.00
Compensation for respiratory occupational disease -- --
*Unemployment allowance is calculated based on the number of recipients
The above is the data for the 1st quarter of 2024
Non-Mandatory Central Provident Fund System
Allocation System

Name List of Incentive Basic Funds

Number of people allocated with funds

Application for withdrawal of funds from individual accounts

Number of approved applications 3,106
The above data is as of 31/3/2024
Contributory System
Items Cumulative number*
Joint provident fund scheme 303 employers
27,840 employees
Individual provident fund scheme 84,233 individuals
*It refers to the plans that are still in effect, minus the number of repeated participations
2023 Approved applications
Application for transferring funds out of the government-managed sub-account 5,502
The above data is as of 31/12/2023
Employment Fee for Non-Resident Workers
Employers who have paid employment fee for non-resident workers 14,918
Total amount of employment fee for non-resident workers for the quarter (MOP) 87,401,100.00
The above is the data for the 4th quarter of 2023