For Account Owner under Age 65
Application for Withdrawal of Funds (L1)
He/she is under age 65 but in the following situations:
1. There is a need to bear huge medical expenses due to serious injury or illness of his/her own;
2. He/she has attained age 60 and is not engaged in any paid activities;
3. He/she has humanitarian or other properly explained reasons;
4. There is a need to bear huge medical expenses due to serious injury or illness of his/her spouse, any degree of lineal consanguinity or affinity;
5. He/she has been receiving disability pension from the Social Security Fund for more than one year;
6. He/she is currently receiving special disability subsidy from the Social Welfare Bureau.
Declaration (C/10)
For account owners who have reached 60 years of age and not engaged in any paid activities