For account owner who reached age 65 and habitually resided in mainland China
For an account owner who provided work outside the Macao SAR for an employer registered with the Social Security Fund
For an account owner under age 65 but resided in mainland China due to health reason
For an account owner who worked outside the Macao SAR in order to bear the main living expenses of his or her spouse, any degree of lineal consanguinity or affinity who resided in the Macao SAR
For an account owner who had humanitarian or other properly explained reasons
For an account owner who had humanitarian or other properly explained reasons-staying in Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin (Going to the In-Depth Cooperation Zone on or after 1 March 2023)
For an account owner who performed official duties, performed duties for the Macao SAR or discharged other official duties